About Me

A Little About Me

My life started in NYC, where my mother would push me around in a stroller in museums such as the Guggenheim and the Met. I like to think that's where my interest for the arts began, and where my eye for design was first nurtured. Later I attended CSULB and Otis School of Design so I could learn the craft of graphic design. During my career I've designed ad campaigns, logos, brochures, newsletters, posters, and a lot more. Though I'm comfortable designing for print, I absolutely love creating posts for social media, designing websites, and I've recently become fascinated with 3D imagery. 

Besides design and photography, I also have video editing and copy writing in my skill set.  I write screenplays, web series, as well as stage plays. One of my plays was accepted and produced at the NYC Repertory Theater in the summer of 2019.  I'm repped by the literary division of the theatrical agency BYSB. During my off time I love to spend time hiking with my dog Lucy, a wily female Dachshund, day trips near and far, and improving on my cooking skills.

The most valuable attribute I bring with me to any job is that I'm extremely creative when it comes to developing unique marketing concepts. I'm passionate about what I do, so I bring a great deal of enthusiasm and ingenuity to every project. 

Let me know how I can collaborate with you on making your company standout in the marketplace. 

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